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Discovering the Pasque Flower

Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla vulgaris)

Discover the Pasque Flower, a magnificent perennial herb that enchants our European landscapes!

Native to almost all of Europe, this flower dazzles our meadows from the second half of March until the beginning of June.

With a size ranging from 10 to 30 cm, it stands out with its delicate appearance and its enchantingly beautiful flowers.

However, the Pasque Flower is subject to strict regulation in several departments and is protected in certain regions of France. Indeed, its collection and gathering are regulated due to its fragility.

Caution: Fresh, this plant is toxic, caustic, and irritating. However, its flowers, once dried and ground, are used to make a sneezing powder renowned for relieving migraines.

A true marvel of nature to be admired with caution!

©V. Vignon

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